The working Philosophy at Gold Tech Forge places equal focus on two very
significant aspects – Manufacturing forgings of excellent quality, and
delivering services of the highest levels.
This dual focus stems from a deep understanding and appreciation of the
requirements of its stakeholders along with
product quality.
While the best machinery, most modern technology and systematic
procedures are deployed to manufacture forgings, focused service
measures are undertaken covering aspects such as timely deliveries,
fulfillment of sudden requirements. While the systems and processes at Gold Tech Forge are strongly
professional and defined to ensure flawless manufacturing, they are also
flexible enough to accommodate special customer requirements. While
people at Gold Tech Forge are adept at scientific analysis, they are also able
to think realistically and deliver practical solutions.
Thus, the working philosophy at Gold Tech Forge is highly conducive to
complete stakeholder satisfaction in all aspects. Be it forgings or be
it relationships, at Gold Tech Forge, both are built to last longer. This is
heralded by a strong sense of commitment in the form of ethics and other
policies that drive us in the endeavour.
Ethics Policy
Safety, Heath, Environment and Quality Policy